First Comes Self-Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes…Baby!

Some would say our daughter was conceived some time in March this year. But to me, it was in the summer of 2014 when I committed to breaking my habit of losing myself in unhealthy relationships and instead began focusing on being a reliable, organized, and hardworking woman who would be able to support another … Continue reading First Comes Self-Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes…Baby!

Feeling Like a Visitor in Your Own Home: Your Post-Delivery Body

Coming home from the hospital after giving birth to your first child, you meet a new human being for the first time. No, I'm not talking about your baby. I'm talking about YOU. You go to the hospital with the pregnant version of the body you always had. Sure there are changes in your body … Continue reading Feeling Like a Visitor in Your Own Home: Your Post-Delivery Body

My More Self-Compassionate Definition of “Natural Birth”

What's black-and-white and red all over? My mindset this past month about giving birth plus the red stuff that comes out of you during and after it (i.e. blood). Before I took birthing classes I thought that natural birth meant vaginal birth. Then in my birthing class I learned that it meant vaginal birth without … Continue reading My More Self-Compassionate Definition of “Natural Birth”